New sign painting up for Naab Machinery Sales in Blaine, MN

The business owner at Naab Sales Corp. was interested in having the company's information hand-painted on the back of their garage doors so that when they photographed their machines for online sales, their info could be seen in the background. A great/practical way to reach their customers! A hand-painted sign can offer your business a level of sophistication and charm that cannot be captured in vinyl alone, reflecting to your clients that you care about details and will take a hands-on approach to the service they receive.

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Thrift Store painting collaboration continues...

I purchased a painting by the artist Guerra from Hidden Treasures Thrift Store on 06/10/2023. The landscape painting shows a tropical beach with a lighthouse on the right side. Priced: $1.99.
I painted a rubber flamingo (plastic flamingo?) on the piece and returned this ‘new’ artwork back to the same thrift store on 07/08/2023, around 2:00pm. A successful collaboration! Thanks, Guerra, for your contribution to the work!

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Some new sign painting in the oven... figuratively speaking.

Working on some new signs this week. I’ve been getting some inquiries lately about pricing (must be something in the air?) so I’ll start being more forthright about the cost for each work… if one is interested.

And for those of you who are interested…

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New sign painting up for Naab Machinery Sales, Blaine, MN

New sign painting up for the good folks at Naab Machinery Sales. As you can see in the images below the texture of the doors makes the line work challenging. You have to really charge the brush to get the right coverage… but not too much! 😂 It’s a bit of a juggling act.

I’ve got three more garage doors in the works so more to come!

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New hand painted sign

New sign painting on printmaking paper, “Possibly the most…”, 22x36”, enamel and acrylic paint

Inspired by issue #87 of the comic book title, Fantastic Four, by the illustrious Stan Lee and Jack Kirby- (I just read a book about that guy too) 🤷🏽‍♂️

It is weird what motivates people. I just had to get this painting done last night before the new year. There is no immediate need but… I don’t know, it just seemed important.

2022 has now arrived!

New sign painting on a scrap piece of wood

New signage on a scrap piece of masonite, 11 3/4 x 16 1/4”. ‘From Beyond The Unknown’.
Inspired by the DC comics title with the same name.

Looks like this might…. be the last sign for the year. But there is one more week left so….

New artwork posted on my website

I started painting on small 4 x5” pieces of foam core because… well, I was running out of room to be honest. Big art can be a big problem if you can’t find a home for it. So working small is the way to go, at least for me, at least for now.

These started off as individual works. The first one (upper right) was started sometime during the pandemic. Bottom right was second, top left was third. Just making shapes, lines, excitement, imagery that might be associated with the circus arts. It wasn’t until the end of the year that I finished the bottom left. But once it was completed I noticed that they all related to one another (it wasn’t really on my radar at the time). Perhaps this is my take on the year 2020. Only now, right before the holidays, I was able to see it.

So here’s to hoping that things will pick up in 2021: to a better life, peace, prosperity, and a better understanding.

“Four topics, one conversation”, enamel paint on four pieces of foam core, 5 x 4” each.
Check it on my website:

4 topics, 1 conversation 100.jpg

New hand painted sign at the studio

New sign painting on a scrap piece of wood. “(Half) Truth” is inspired by our recent outgoing president. Soon to be posted on my Saatchi Art gallery site. Stay tuned!!

For more information about sign painting in the NYC/Brooklyn area check out my site:

Truth final.jpg

Quarantined NYC - New sign painting in the studio

Hand painted sign on a scrap piece of balsa wood. Inspired by the movie poster for Plan 9 from Outer Space.. one of the greatest bad movies of all time!

Trying some new things on this sign so it is bit of an oddball, which is appropriate I guess for this type of film.

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Quarantined NYC - New sign painting at the studio

Hand painted sign on a scrap piece of balsa wood. Inspired by the House of Wax movie poster…

I am a big fan of B-movies of old. Something about their honesty, like.. the enthusiasm was there despite all the setbacks. But I don’t share the same sentiments with modern day B-movies… it’s hard to explain.

But anyway.. the fact is that House of Wax IS a good movie, it just didn’t have the budget to support its vision.

For more information about sign painting in the NYC/Brooklyn area check out my site:


Snow man sketchbook has finally been digitized!

I’m happy to announce that I finally sat down and digitized my entire snowman sketchbook. For awhile I only had about 70% of it scanned. It was something I needed to do… obviously, but I always managed to kick the can down the road. There was no immediate deadline or demand so….

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Quarantined NYC: New paintings at the studio


I ran out of scrap wood so now I am painting on scrap pieces of foam core. 4 x 3” each. Enamel paint. I am keeping this work loose, spontaneous; not sure what I will do with it.
I was interested in classic circus sideshow imagery, the colors and shapes. These pieces all might ultimately be parts of a whole, like Vultron. But I’m not sure yet. Did I mention I like swirls?

Quarantined NYC: Sign painting at the studio

New hand painted sign on a scrap piece of balsa wood.
Inspired by DC‘s “World’s Finest” comic book logo.

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Quarantined NYC: Sign painting at the studio

New signage painted on a scrap piece of plywood.
Inspired by text found on a classic Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey Circus poster… featuring a tiger!!

Quarantined NYC: Sign painting at the studio

New sign painting on a scrap piece of wood. Inspired by the Seamless door signs I see in closed restaurants throughout Brooklyn.

Quarantined NYC: Sign painting at the studio

Hand painted sign on a scrap piece of plywood. Inspired by a preview advertisement for a Jack Kirby(?) comic. "Next Issue: The Power of Psycho Man. As We Wonder — Shall Earth Endure?”
