Thrift Store Painting Collaboration Continues - Judy Mandolf

I purchased a framed print by the artist Judy Mandolf from Hidden Treasures Thrift Store (2915 Pentagon Dr, Minneapolis). The print, 'Purple Tub,' is part of a "bathroom series created through a combination of photography and computer techniques." The image shows a purple/blue bathtub in a yellow/green bathroom…

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Thrift Store painting collaboration continues...

I purchased a painting by the artist Guerra from Hidden Treasures Thrift Store on 06/10/2023. The landscape painting shows a tropical beach with a lighthouse on the right side. Priced: $1.99.
I painted a rubber flamingo (plastic flamingo?) on the piece and returned this ‘new’ artwork back to the same thrift store on 07/08/2023, around 2:00pm. A successful collaboration! Thanks, Guerra, for your contribution to the work!

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New sign painting for purchase

New sign painting on board… and a friendly public service announcement in case some of you forgot-

Happy Tastes Good,’ 24.25 x 21.25”, enamel and acrylic paint on masonite. Inspired by Dairy Queen advertising - As I was enjoying my DQ Blizzard I was reminded on the wrapper that happy tastes good… and they might be right, but let’s also not forget about the Oreos too!

If you are interested in purchasing this fine sign the…

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A Very Special Episode opens this Friday, June 23, 2023

It’s happening… here is the show card for the group exhibition I am participating in at Gallery 1988 .
Opening June 23, 2023; 7-10pm - 355 N. Fairfax Ave. Los Angeles, CA.
Curated by Steve Seeley, the exhibition showcases the work of 40 artists from around the country…

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Some new sign painting in the oven... figuratively speaking.

Working on some new signs this week. I’ve been getting some inquiries lately about pricing (must be something in the air?) so I’ll start being more forthright about the cost for each work… if one is interested.

And for those of you who are interested…

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2 weeks until exhibition opening - Gallery 1988

Show card for the Steve Seeley curated group exhibition that I am a part of entitled, ‘A Very Special Episode.’ Opening in two weeks at Gallery 1988 in Glendale, California.

Featuring over 40 artists… including myself!!
You can view the piece that I submitted for this exhibition HERE!

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Thrift Store painting collaboration continues - Albert Bierstadt

On April 18, 2023 I purchased a framed painting (print on canvas) from St. Vincent de Paul- Twin Cities Thrift Store at 2939 12th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407. The image depicts an idyllic mountainous landscape with a family of deer standing in the foreground by the edge of a clear blue lake. No signature.

My research online of the work led me to discover that the picture is based on an oil painting by the artist Albert Bierstadt

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New refrigerator art - magnet signs for sale

New sign painting - COFFEE- signs are finished and heading to I-Like-You-MN for purchase.... a measly 20 bucks!! 6x6” each, enamel + acrylic paint on masonite, magnets on back…

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I donated some artwork for the Art 4 Shelter event taking place on May 12, 2023

I made two small hand-painted signs to help support this fundraiser. The signs were painted with enamel and acrylic paint on printmaking paper, 5x7” each. He Said - She Said
I think the artwork will be going for $35 each so please consider purchasing them to help out this good cause! Plus you’ll get some sweet little works of art as well!!

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Caught! - Thanks Hidden Treasures Thrift Store for the Review

For the last two years I have been periodically purchasing landscape paintings at my local thrift store, painting a rubber duck on them, and then returning the painting back to the same thrift store with the hope that someone will purchase it. I kept a low profile about it as I wasn’t sure where this venture would lead me. My hope was that someday I could make an easter egg-like hunt out of the whole thing and maybe inspire people to play along. Who knows… maybe make some actual money too!

Time passed…

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Thrift store painting collaboration continues...

I purchased a painting (print on board) by the artist Brett James Smith at Savers (4849 Central Avenue NE, Minneapolis, MN). The painting, entitled "Morning Encounter," shows a man throwing a duck decoy from his boat into a lake. Purchase price: $2.99 
I painted a rubber duck on the painting, and then returned this "new" artwork back to the same thrift store on 03/19/2023, around 4:21pm. A successful collaboration!

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New sign painting on a scrap piece of wood

New hand-painted sign on a scrap piece of 1/4” plywood.

“We Dare You…”, 28 x 36”, enamel + latex paint

Inspired by the movie poster for the film, ‘The Revenge of Frankenstein’ (1958) starring…

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Thrift store painting collaboration continues! - R. Sutherland

I purchased a painting by the artist R. Sutherland at Hidden Treasures Thrift Store in NE Minneapolis. I painted a rubber duck on the painting, and then returned this 'new' painting to the same thrift store on 02/05/2023, around 11:10am. 

A successful collaboration! Thanks to R. Sutherland for your contribution to the work.

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New sign painting on mdf board

New hand-painted signs on 3/4” mdf.

‘shock, SHOCK’ 12 x 17” each, enamel + acrylic paint
Inspired by the movie poster for the film “The Evil of Frankenstein”, starring Peter Cushing - 1964

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