New sign painting for purchase

New sign painting on board… and a friendly public service announcement in case some of you forgot-

Happy Tastes Good,’ 24.25 x 21.25”, enamel and acrylic paint on masonite. Inspired by Dairy Queen advertising - As I was enjoying my DQ Blizzard I was reminded on the wrapper that happy tastes good… and they might be right, but let’s also not forget about the Oreos too!

If you are interested in purchasing this fine sign the…

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Some new sign painting in the oven... figuratively speaking.

Working on some new signs this week. I’ve been getting some inquiries lately about pricing (must be something in the air?) so I’ll start being more forthright about the cost for each work… if one is interested.

And for those of you who are interested…

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New magnet signs for your refrigerator

New sign painting - EAT - signs are completed and heading out to I-Like-You-MN this week for purchase!
6x6” each, enamel + acrylic paint on masonite, magnets.

Let your refrigerator shine with these new magnet signs!

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Holiday signs are back from the store and...

I set out on a mission a few months ago to make 3x6” hand-painted signs for a consignment shop in my neighborhood. Each one has magnets on the back so that you can hang them on your refrigerator (if you want to).
If I remember correctly I painted fourteen of these holiday signs and got them all in to ilikeyou (Minneapolis) by December 12th, 2022. “I wonder if…

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New sign painting on mdf board

New hand-painted signs on 3/4” mdf.

‘shock, SHOCK’ 12 x 17” each, enamel + acrylic paint
Inspired by the movie poster for the film “The Evil of Frankenstein”, starring Peter Cushing - 1964

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New hand painted sign on wood

New sign painting on a scrap piece of wood!

“We Dare You…”, acrylic and enamel paint, 22x23”, 2022.
Inspired by the poster advertisement for the film, ‘The Revenge of Frankenstein’ (1958) starring Peter Cushing.

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Sign painting donated for the annual NEMAA fundraiser in MPLS

New sign painting on board: 'ICE 3' 10 x 10”, acrylic, enamel paint on wood, 2022

This hand painted sign was donated to the Northeast Minneapolis Arts Association for their annual fundraiser to support the local arts community with resources, promotion, and fellowships. The NEMAA 10x10 online shop will launch on September 24, 2022 at 5pm. All artwork will be initially displayed anonymously and available for purchase for $50.00!?!?

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New fairground food sign - Ice Cream!

Fairground food signs continue… this time,
Ice Cream! 18.75 x 26.25”, enamel/acrylic paint on paper.
I just can’t get enough of those snow-capped letters so I used them again with this piece. Maybe it’s because I live in Mpls? Not sure…

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New hand painted signage

New 'YES, AND' signs for the graphic recording firm, Two Line Studios.
12 x 12" each, enamel/acrylic paint on masonite.


"Yes, and...", also referred to as "Yes, and..." thinking, is a rule-of-thumb in improvisational comedy that suggests that a participant should accept what another participant has stated ("yes") and then expand on that line of thinking ("and"). It is also used in business and other organizations as a principle that improves the effectiveness of the brainstorming process, fosters effective communication, and encourages the free sharing of ideas.

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New sign painting on a scrap piece of masonite

‘Tastes Great! 2’, 24 x 22”. Enamel and acrylic paint on masonite. Inspired by classic ice cream cone packaging.
You can see the original Tastes Great! HERE (completed back in March 2020, during the height of the pandemic) The original sign sold so that is why I decided to make another one. Bigger and better!

New work - Fairground food signs on paper

Hand painted sign on Rives BFK.
Corn Dog” 18.75 x 26.25” Enamel and latex paint on paper.

‘A corn dog (also spelled corndog) is a sausage (usually a hot dog) on a stick that has been coated in a thick layer of cornmeal batter and deep fried. It originated in the United States and is commonly found in American cuisine.’

New work - Fairground food signs on paper

Onion Rings, 18.75 x 26.25”, enamel and acrylic paint on Rives printing paper.

The carnival food signs continue! It is always a balancing act as to whether or not I want to add a graphic to the text. Obviously for this one it didn’t seem necessary but…
The colors I went with reminded me of a Melvins shirt I used to wear in the 90’s. I got it for free when their label was promoting their album in Gainesville, FL… useless knowledge for sure but I thought I would put it out there anyway. Ha!

To view more samples of my sign painting please go to my Flickr Page
Signs and prints available on my Saatchi Art page or contact me direct.

Now based in Minneapolis, MN… if your interested in sign painting for your business or home then please click on the sign painting link above!


New sign painting on a scrap piece of wood

New hand painted sign on a scrap piece of wood; small one this time… 6.5 x 4.5”. Inspired by text I saw on an Oatly milk carton, (as I drink their product everyday when I pour milk into my coffee). 

So that is one interpretation, but I must say that things have been rather dramatic lately so maybe that’s the other inspiration.

If your interested in sign painting for your business or home then check out the link above!
