New sign painting up at Pura Vida Elite Training in Brooklyn Park, Minneapolis

New sign painting up at Pura Vida Elite Training in Brooklyn Park, Minneapolis. “an elite soccer training facility accessible to all youth players in the Twin Cities. Our focus is to build community while connecting soccer lovers throughout the area.” The project took about 3.5 days to complete. Latex paint on plywood. 6’ x 132’

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New Donut Fridge Art Heading to I-Like-You-MN

New donut magnet art for sale heading to I Like You - MN this week! Sweet and savory! Show the world that you’ve got great taste!!

6” diameter. Acrylic, latex, and enamel paint on masonite, magnets.
Please contact I Like You for more information regarding availability.

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New sign painting and mural at Las Estrellas Dual Language School - NE Minneapolis, MN

New sign painting up for Las Estrellas Dual Language School in NE Minneapolis.

Las Estrellas is in the process of incorporating its mascot (the owl) into its hallways to connect with students and build its identity. The mascot uses dual text to help the children with comprehension and enhance their cognitive skills. This particular mural was painted above the stairwell in front of the entrance to their art classroom and gymnasium. Salud, Health - Arte, Art - Educacion Fisica, Physical Education. The mural took about two days to complete.

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New mural completed at the Lake Street Target, Minneapolis

New mural is finished at the Lake Street Target location (2500 East Lake St) in Minneapolis, MN - Artwork by Raul Villanueva. I am happy to be a part of the team that brought this piece of artwork to fruition. It took about three weeks to complete - exterior latex paint on stucco. Thanks to everyone involved!!

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Large mural unveiled of the artist Prince in downtown Minneapolis.

I went to the Prince block party after work on Thursday night to check out the unveiling of his mural by the artist Hiero Veiga. I had been watching it come to life these last few weeks and I was curious to see how it turned out since the weather here has been questionable these last few days. Lots of rain and wind. The mural is about 100 feet tall on a wall near Ramp A by on the southwest corner of First Avenue and Eighth Street…

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Sign painting on cover of MPLS/St Paul Magazine!

Nice to see Sign painter @DustySigns on the April cover of MPLS - St Paul Magazine. Any promotion to help the raise awareness to the craft is a good thing… A rising tide lifts all boats!

Ch ch ch ch changes

I recently moved to a new city so I spent the last couple of weeks trying to get acclimated to the new environment.

So what happened in Brooklyn, NY?
Raising a family in NYC is no joke, and adding Covid-19 to the mix was just making the whole situation intolerable. Honestly, the pandemic has made a lot of people reevaluate their living situations and I guess I fall into that same category. After spending 16 years in NY I came to the conclusion that finding that elusive level of ‘success’ I wanted (a personal definition for sure) was just not going to happen. It’s a puzzle I can’t solve. NYC was starting to feel like one of those hamster wheels.

So where do I live now?
Minneapolis, MN!
My wife grew up in that area so she has a lot of friends and family there. It seems nice, quiet. Perhaps a change of scenery is a good idea?

So studio is now getting set up in the basement. I hope to accomplish a great many things here… opportunities abound!


New mural painting at Hydra Studios in NYC (Opening Soon!)

New mural paintings up at Hydra Studios in connection with PB Paints and KCC Design and Build. Located at 120 Wall Street in NYC, “Hydra Studios is a modern approach to wellness, helping you restore what daily life takes out. Optimize your body, health, and mind by reserving private rooms for mental and physical wellness.”

The design for each mural was provided by the client. You can’t see it in these photos but each color has a stippled surface to give it a more vibrant effect.


Flash back Fridays - Sign painting for Stussy store in Manhattan

When I moved to Brooklyn (2006) one of my first jobs was at Lite Brite Neon. I might have worked there for a month or two… mainly assisting with holiday installs, but they hired me specifically because they needed a sign painter for a job at the Stussy store in SOHO, Manhattan. I believe it was a pop up shop, and for one area I had to paint a list of famous street artists names on a wall. The only one I had ever heard of at that time was Mark Gonzalez, to whom I was a big fan of growing up. I remember wanting his skateboard sooooo much. (Vision skateboards were really popular back then)

But anyway… I’m happy to say that I recognize more of the names now. Including
Wes Humpston
123 Klan
Gary Panter

The work was up for about a month or two, really quick turn around. And what happened to the signage?
No idea, lost in time..

For more information about sign painting in the NYC/Brooklyn area check out my site:

Stussy 1.png

New sign painting for Brooklyn, NY speakeasy Tooker Alley.

New #signpainting up at Tooker Alley "Craft cocktails & elevated bar bites are the focus at this hip, intimate hangout; elevate your mind to a lower level of thinking.”

NYC offered a plan for restaurants and bars to reopen this summer by allowing them to create outdoor seating areas on their sidewalk and street. Tooker Alley asked me to design and paint their barrier space to match their look and design. A unique way to increase visibility and connect with the community.

Situated next to the Brooklyn Museum - stop by and help support small business!

For more information about sign painting in the NYC/Brooklyn area check out my site:
