I purchased a framed print by the artist Judy Mandolf from Hidden Treasures Thrift Store (2915 Pentagon Dr, Minneapolis). The print, 'Purple Tub,' is part of a "bathroom series created through a combination of photography and computer techniques." The image shows a purple/blue bathtub in a yellow/green bathroom.
Priced: $4.99
I painted a rubber duck on the print and returned this 'new' artwork back to the same thrift store on 04/22/2024, around 12:40pm. A successful collaboration!
Thanks, Judy, for your contribution to the work!
Original image by Judy Mandolf. 12 x 14”, framed (Note: I was so excited to paint the duck on this piece that I forgot to photograph the original artwork beforehand. This small image is all I could find online.)
I painted a pink rubber duck on the print (in the bathtub).
The finished collaborative painting- Judy Mandolph and Seamus Liam O’Brien
Art statement on a sticker that was located on the back of the framed artwork.
Artist Seamus Liam O’Brien holding the finished collaborative painting before returning it back to the thrift store.
Seamus Liam O’Brien returning the altered artwork back to Hidden Treasures Thrift Store in NE Minneapolis, MN.