Quarantined NYC: Sign painting at the studio

New signage painted on a scrap piece of plywood.
Inspired by text found on a classic Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey Circus poster… featuring a tiger!!

Quarantined NYC: Sign painting at the studio

New sign painting on a scrap piece of wood. Inspired by the Seamless door signs I see in closed restaurants throughout Brooklyn.

Quarantined NYC: Sign painting at the studio

Hand painted sign on a scrap piece of MDO

‘Twenty four’ inspired by the "When I'm sixty four" sequence in the movie "Yellow Submarine" (a new favorite of my daughter). Someone suggested I was painting the amount of time I am spending at home…. possibly.

twenty four.jpg

Quarantined NYC: Sign painting at the studio

Hand painted sign on a scrap piece of plywood. Inspired by a preview advertisement for a Jack Kirby(?) comic. "Next Issue: The Power of Psycho Man. As We Wonder — Shall Earth Endure?”


Quarantined NYC: Sign painting at the studio!

New hand painted sign, ‘Tastes Great,’ is inspired by classic, ice cream cone packaging.


New hand painted sign from the studio

‘ZERO’ - enamel paint on a scrap piece of plywood.
Inspired by the DC comic ‘Strange Adventures’ #162

New hand painted sign I made in the studio

Inspired by the comic book, Space Adventures, this sign was painted on a scrap piece of luan wood.

What I learned from this piece is that it is a good idea to first consider whether to coat the wood with a matte medium or not before painting it. This will allow the surface to be sealed and essentially, make it easier to paint. This is both good and bad. Good because of the speed factor, but bad because if you seal the wood then you lose the great texture of the woodgrain. You can see this in the letter ‘S’. After I painted it I noticed what was happening and sealed the rest of the text thinking it wouldn’t look any different. Well… now I know!


Hand painted sign on A-frame for the Italian restaurant, Scalino GP, in Brooklyn, NY

New sign painting for Scalino GP, a traditional Italian restaurant (659 Manhattan Ave) located in the quaint Greenpoint neighborhood of Brooklyn, NY.

For this particular business, having a hand painted sign fits perfectly well with its aesthetics. The hand painted quality is reminiscent of old New York City and reflects to its customer the restaurants commitment to detail and quality.

For more information about sign painting in the NYC/Brooklyn area check out my site: http://www.thewonderfulworldof.com/signpainting


New sign painting up for The Rage Cage (Brooklyn, NY)

New sign painting up for the front entrance of The Rage Cage. Located at 235 Grand Ave in the Williamsburg area of Brooklyn, NY. “a destruction services provider - also known as a "Rage Room" or an "Anger Room." People come to The Rage Cage to have fun, de-stress, and break things! Whether it be for a stressful week at work, a celebration, or even a first date, you’re always going to have an amazing experience…”

The 235 address hand painted on the window above the door.
Special thanks to the
Rage Cage and 1-Shot paints!!

New sign painting up for the Robert Crumb exhibition at the David Zwirner Gallery.

New sign painting up for the Robert Crumb exhibition at the David Zwirner Gallery (519 West 19th Street, New York). February 21 - April 13, 2019.
Drawing for Print: Mind Fucks, Kultur Klashes, Pulp Fiction & Pulp Fact by the Illustrious R. Crumbpresents an exhibition organized by Robert Storr that examines the mind and career of R. Crumb. The  exhibition will feature a wide array of printed matter culled from the artist’s archive: tear sheets of drawings  and comics, taken directly from the publications where the works first appeared, as well as related ephemera.’ 

The signage was painted with 1 Shot paint and took approximately two days to complete.

For more information about sign painting and murals in the NYC/Brooklyn area check out my site: http://www.thewonderfulworldof.com/signpainting
