New hand painted sign at the studio

New sign painting on a scrap piece of wood. Inspired by the pre-code horror comic book “The Hand of Fate.” Not sure why this particular comic title got my attention but it did. Maybe it was the bright colors? Regardless, the text seems somehow appropriate for this particular time in my/our life.

For more information about sign painting in the NYC/Brooklyn area check out my site:


New sign painting up for the Robert Crumb exhibition at the David Zwirner Gallery.

New sign painting up for the Robert Crumb exhibition at the David Zwirner Gallery (519 West 19th Street, New York). February 21 - April 13, 2019.
Drawing for Print: Mind Fucks, Kultur Klashes, Pulp Fiction & Pulp Fact by the Illustrious R. Crumbpresents an exhibition organized by Robert Storr that examines the mind and career of R. Crumb. The  exhibition will feature a wide array of printed matter culled from the artist’s archive: tear sheets of drawings  and comics, taken directly from the publications where the works first appeared, as well as related ephemera.’ 

The signage was painted with 1 Shot paint and took approximately two days to complete.

For more information about sign painting and murals in the NYC/Brooklyn area check out my site:
