New signage heading to a collector in NYC

New sign painting on wood paneling, 10x10” each, acrylic + enamel paint.

I saw an advertisement for the film ‘She Said’ on a news website and I liked the text’s ambiguity. It made me think of King George’s song in the Broadway show, Hamilton. (of course in that song the king sings, you say, not he said.) Anyway, I wanted to paint just the words She Said, but when I thought about it it felt as though it could use a partner. So She Said - He Said… seemed like a good fit!

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New hand painted signs/magnets for sale at Minneapolis consignment shop

Just in time for the holidays!

New sign painting magnets for sale at i like you in NE Minneapolis, MN - 3x6” each, enamel paint on wood.
Support local artists, support small business!! A little signage goes a long way…

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Thrift store painting collaboration continues! - Norman Rockwell

I purchased a painting by the artist Norman Rockwell (print on canvas) from Hidden Treasures Thrift Store (2915 Pentagon Dr, St Anthony, MN) on 10/30/2022. The painting depicts a boy fishing/sleeping next to his dog, 10x8”. Priced: $3.99. I painted a rubber duck wearing bunny ears and holding an egg on the piece and then returned this “new” artwork to the same thrift store on 11/27/2022, around 11:56am.

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New hand painted sign on wood

New sign painting on a scrap piece of wood!

“We Dare You…”, acrylic and enamel paint, 22x23”, 2022.
Inspired by the poster advertisement for the film, ‘The Revenge of Frankenstein’ (1958) starring Peter Cushing.

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Video showing the front and back of my hand painted sign, 'UNKNOWN'

The ‘UNKNOWN’ signage was actually painted on the back of another sign I did a while ago - ‘Plan 9 from Outer Space.’ I didn’t want the original anymore… but I didn’t want to throw it away so…
Reuse, Recycle!

I guess in some ways this duality (and its rugged nature) fits the theme. Two for one!

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Thrift Store Paintings continue!

I purchased a painting (print on canvas) by the artist Norman Rockwell from Hidden Treasures Thrift Store (2915 Pentagon Dr, Saint Anthony, MN) on 04/30/2022. The painting depicts a boy pouring medicine into a spoon for his sick dog. Priced: $3.99

I painted a rubber duck on the painting and then returned this “new” artwork to the same thrift store of purchase on 05/09/2022. Around 6pm CT.

A successful collaboration! Thanks Norm for your contribution to the work.

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New fairground food sign - Ice Cream!

Fairground food signs continue… this time,
Ice Cream! 18.75 x 26.25”, enamel/acrylic paint on paper.
I just can’t get enough of those snow-capped letters so I used them again with this piece. Maybe it’s because I live in Mpls? Not sure…

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New sign painting for the graphic recording firm TwoLine Studios.

Some new hand-painted signs on masonite for the graphic recording firm, TwoLine Studios.
Oh… and some fruit! 😂😂 6x6” each. (Magnets attached to the back)

Yes, and...", also referred to as "Yes, and..." thinking, is a rule-of-thumb in improvisational comedy that suggests that a participant should accept what another participant has stated ("yes") and then expand on that line of thinking("and").

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New hand painted signage

New 'YES, AND' signs for the graphic recording firm, Two Line Studios.
12 x 12" each, enamel/acrylic paint on masonite.


"Yes, and...", also referred to as "Yes, and..." thinking, is a rule-of-thumb in improvisational comedy that suggests that a participant should accept what another participant has stated ("yes") and then expand on that line of thinking ("and"). It is also used in business and other organizations as a principle that improves the effectiveness of the brainstorming process, fosters effective communication, and encourages the free sharing of ideas.

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Thrift Store Paintings Continue...

I purchased a painting by the artist Guy Coheleach from Hidden Treasures Thrift Store (2915 Pentagon Dr, Saint Anthony, MN 55418) on 01/05/2022. A landscape painting with flying ducks (nature is a running theme in this part of the country). Priced: $6.99

I painted a rubber duck on the painting, and then returned this ‘new’ artwork to the same thrift store on 01/15/2022, around 2pm.

A successful collaboration!!

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New hand painted sign

New sign painting on printmaking paper, “Possibly the most…”, 22x36”, enamel and acrylic paint

Inspired by issue #87 of the comic book title, Fantastic Four, by the illustrious Stan Lee and Jack Kirby- (I just read a book about that guy too) 🤷🏽‍♂️

It is weird what motivates people. I just had to get this painting done last night before the new year. There is no immediate need but… I don’t know, it just seemed important.

2022 has now arrived!

New sign painting on a scrap piece of wood

New signage on a scrap piece of masonite, 11 3/4 x 16 1/4”. ‘From Beyond The Unknown’.
Inspired by the DC comics title with the same name.

Looks like this might…. be the last sign for the year. But there is one more week left so….

New sign painting on a scrap piece of wood. Liquor/Clown

‘Liquor/Clown Sign’, 11.75 x 25”, enamel and acrylic paint on 3/4” mdf
Inspired by the Circus Liquor store in North Hollywood, California.

All signs for sale, pick a link to connect!
And as always…. thanks for the support!

Thrift store paintings continue!

I purchased a framed painting (actually a print) a few weeks ago at Hidden Treasures Thrift Store (2915 Pentagon Dr, St Anthony, MN) by the artist Tan Chun C. I added a rubber duck to the piece and then returned it to the same thrift store on October 11, 2021. I went with a Pilgrim rubber duck because… well, it seemed to fit well with the color scheme. Images below highlight the process.

Thanks to the artist Tan Chun C, wherever you are, for collaborating with me on this project!


New work - Fairground food signs on paper

Hand painted sign on Rives BFK.
Corn Dog” 18.75 x 26.25” Enamel and latex paint on paper.

‘A corn dog (also spelled corndog) is a sausage (usually a hot dog) on a stick that has been coated in a thick layer of cornmeal batter and deep fried. It originated in the United States and is commonly found in American cuisine.’

New work - Fairground food signs on printmaking paper

New sign painting on Rives BFK.
”Soft and Fresh Pretzels” 18.75 x 26.25” Acrylic, enamel, and latex paint on paper.

The fairground food signage continues… next up? French fries! … (I think)


New sign painting on a scrap piece of wood

Hand painted signage on a piece of luan. Inspired by the book “Creepy Carrots” by Aaron Reynolds and Peter Brown. Published by Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers. This book has become a favorite of my daughters and there is one particular page that really got my attention so…

‘Creepy’, 16.5 x 27 5/8”, enamel, acrylic, latex, and spray paint on wood. 2021
