New sign painting at the studio

Hand painted sign on a scrap piece of wood. 12 x 16”
Inspired by “The Strange World of Your Dreams” by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby.

For more information about sign painting in the NYC/Brooklyn area check out my site:

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'In New York, A Hand-Painted Sign Renaissance Is Underway'

Interesting article about sign painting in Brooklyn, NY. The two restaurants talked about in the article are only a couple of blocks from my home.

”When people reopen, people are going to want things that feel like home. And another Helvetica vinyl sign does not feel like home. Industrial design doesn’t feel like home. So I hope that there’s more and more hand-painted signs … I think that there are a billion different ways that sign painting infiltrates our culture, and people haven’t been paying attention that much. But sign painters are still working. It’s an imperative part of how we communicate, and I think that it’s only increasing in value.”