Framed Norman Rockwell painting with Easter themed yellow rubber duck

Finished painting by Norman Rockwell and Seamus Liam O’Brien

Norman Rockwell painting of boy sleeping with dog

The original print by Norman Rockwell.

Norman Rockwell's signature on painting

Norman Rockwell’s signature on the painting.

Artist Seamus Liam O'Brien hanging rubber duck painting

I returned the new painting back to the thrift store and hung it on the wall.

Yellow rubber duck painted into Norman Rockwell painting.

I painted an Easter themed yellow rubber duck on the painting, behind the sleeping figure.

Signatures by Norman Rockwell and Seamus Liam O'Brien

After I completed the duck I signed the painting - Seamus Liam O’Brien - 2022

Artist Seamus Liam O'Brien holding Norman Rockwell collaborative painting

Artist Seamus Liam O’Brien holding the finished painting outside the thrift store.